King James Bible


The King James Crystal Bible® is the reproduction of the complete Original 1611 King James Version of the Holy Bible in English.

The king james version.

Historical facts about the KJV Holy Bible

Catholic Bible


The Catholic, Latina Vulgata Crystal Bible® is the reproduction of the complete Biblia Sacra Vulgata in its original Latin language (known Vatican's Bible).

The Catholic Bible

Historical facts about the Latina Vulgata Bible

Septuagint Bible


The Septuagint Crystal Bible® is the reproduction of the complete original Septuagint Bible in ancient Greek.

Greek Bible

Historical facts about the Septuagint Bible

The holy Bible versions

Historical facts about the Holy Bible


bibleThe word “Bible” comes from the Greek word biblia which means papyrus rolls, volumes or books, or literally: brochures. The first Christian Greeks called the Scriptures “Ta Biblia”, meaning “THE Books”, the supreme books.

  The word “testament” stems from the Greek word diathiki (testament, agreement) and translates into Latin as testamentum (testament, testimony). The Greek term has a broader meaning (agreement) than the Latin one, and some prefer to translate it as “alliance”.

bibleDuring the formation of its canon, the Bible was originally not one book but a series of books and brochures. The notion of the Bible as a unique book is a rather modern one, despite the fact that it was assembled as a codex (book or compilation) during the 2nd century A.D. In the 4th century A.D., the Bible was still referred to in Latin as "Bibliotheca Divina", “The Divine Library”.

Crystal Bible® are now offered in three versions of the Holy Bible:

Now in production :

 The Original King James Bible (also known as “The Authorized Version”)

 The Biblia Sacra Vulgata or Latina Vulgata Bible (also known as “Saint Jerome’s Bible”)

 The original Septuagint Bible

And we plan soon :

 The Spanish version " Reina Valera " Spanish-Bible-Reina-Valera-historicHistórico españoles Biblia versión

 The Brazilian version " BIBLIA SAGRADA" (Portuges – Brazilian Bible)

 The Russian version " Russian Synodal Bible " Historical facts about the RSB Russian Bible -Также на русском языке